After a long period of instability and a failed BJP government, UPA-I government under the leadership of Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi gave hope for a bright future for India with a stable government! It completed its term of 5 years without any serious corruption charges. It successfully implemented various rural job creation projects and schemes! Undertook the ground work for energy security for the country where it is the major concern by sealing the nuclear agreement with US that paved the way to end the decades long nuclear apartheid against India and by forging a renewed relationship with Saudi Arabia to ensure the uninterrupted supply of crude oil, although it failed to reach an agreement on gas pipeline from Iran. These are a few that comes to my mind out of many things that made me to support UPA completely. I strongly wished UPA come back to power. I was an admirer of Manmohan Singh since his tenure as Finance Minister for the first time even though I had been a supporter of left until the last couple of years of the UPA-I! The Left's decision to withdraw their support to UPA made me to hate the Left completely. I was gradually becoming a fan of Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi.
But the present plight of the UPA-II is embarrassing! Inaction of the government amid a series of corruption charges one after another is no more acceptable. I still believe that hands of Manmohan Singh is clean, but his inaction is more dangerous. Having a clean image would not help. His stand in Telecom Scam and appointment of CVC is absolutely rubbish. We need action rather than words and promises. The governance is in total chaos!
If I got a chance to vote now, I would vote against UPA-II even though I am not sure who is better alternative or if there is one!