Shashi Tharoor played a commendable role to bring the IPL team to Kochi. He succeeded in bringing investors together for the team. His experience, connections and professional and diplomatic skills helped him to achieve this. He brought this to his home state. This is what we people expect from the MPs and ministers to do and we want them to do! What has he done wrong here?
The Kochi team won the bid through a normal bidding process. There is no dispute in the bidding process and selection of team. The highest bidders have won. What has he done wrong here?
The owner company gave free share to Sunanda Pushkar who is close friend of Shashi Tharoor. They have explained it is in lie of her professional service for years to come. The question is it bribery to Shashi Tharoor? What is Shashi Tharoor given a bribe for? For bringing the investors together? Did he help them to win the bid in unscrupulous method? Nobody has alleged any wrong doing in the bidding process! The team is entirely a private business and there is no government or public money involved. It has not caused government treasury to lose a penny. Then what is there in giving shares free or otherwise by the owners of a private business?
I don’t want to support a corrupt person – in politics or wherever it is. But the people have the right to know what is wrong in the case of Shashi Tharoor to ask him to resign. What extend he has misused his office for personal gain? The Congress and the government is ought to bring out the truth with legal enquiry. Until then we would believe he was victimized by unjust politicians including congress leaders!
Why was Shashi Tharoor asked to resign? Tell us the truth!